March 19, 2012

Robocalling/Telemarketing - What's the Difference?

Thank god the primary is tomorrow. I'm fed up with the robocalls and political crap-mail. I've never received so much. Ever. Probably not even if you tallied up every political call/political mail I've ever received in my lifetime.
Why, do you think? Why this year?
And why don't political calls count as telemarketing? I suppose because they're not asking for money but really, legislators need to rethink this. ADD THEM TO THE DO NOT CALL REGISTRY.
I've only voted in one primary in my whole life. The reason? I don't like having to declare a party. I virtuously consider myself an independent. And with pride I would tell you that I actually voted for a Republican for president. Once. I won't tell you who because it's so embarrassing.
That aside, I'm open to being impressed by a Republican. Really. I am. Thing is, the chances of that are so slim. Particularly this year because, truly, is there a candidate who turns you people on? 
Rick Santorum? Please. With all his talk of Satan...can you take him seriously?
Mitt Romney?  He's cute. And I'm all for cute but is he cute enough to be president? I'm thinking not.
Newt? Well, there's no cuteness factor there. He's smart and that's a good thing, but does he have a shot in hell?
I may or may not vote tomorrow. I actually did download the ballot so there's  a possibility. And I'm an independent, of course, so it may be a last minute decision which ballot to ask for. Oh, oops...did I forget to download the Republican ballot?


Loke Ivarsson said...

Honestly i never heard robocalling all i know is do not call list,well another type of annoying message come from some telemarketers.

Telemarketing List said...

Judging just by that term "robocalling" I would presume those are automated callings which telemarketers use to check if the line is still in use

Res Course said...

The robo calling telemarketing is described here. Know all about it

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