My Bill's a smoker and I love him to pieces so I put up with it. Not happily, but I've been there and I know how hard it is to quit. I'm not giving him a pass on quitting because I sincerely hope one day (soon!) he'll do that, but YOUNG PEOPLE...WTF? Are you stupid? Quit it!
You probably don't see it so much if you live in the suburbs but I live in the city and walk everywhere. And since people can't smoke anywhere any more you see a lot more of them smoking outside. And I'm amazed and dumbfounded by the number of young people I see smoking. Didn't they learn anything in school??? I want to slap them, especially the young women. I don't know why that should bother me more than the guys but it does. Haven't they grown up knowing that smoking kills? Stupid little shits.

And how'd I fall in love with a smoker anyway? And a Republican to boot.
Jesus. (He's gonna kill me for this!)
1 comment:
I so agree with you about this smoking thing.
I just don't understand how people can keep smoking knowing what they know. How it can kill you and affect others around them. I lived with a terrible smoker for 16 years and have no idea how I did it! It was awful and m
now when I am anywhere near a smoker, my eyes start watering and I will also cough. It's a nasty dirty habit not to mention expensive. I know it's hard to quit, but if they really want to, they will. (Sorry Bill I love you like a brother). And good for you being a Republican!
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