Cows on Parade here in Chicago in 1999? Well, this year we have
Refrigerators on Parade.
Who thought of that???
Apparently it's sponsored by ComEd to spread the word about their Appliance Recycling Program. So all along the Magnificent Mile are a bunch of old refrigerators with stuff stuck on them by local artists.

The actual title of the exhibit is Fine Art Fridges. Really? Fine art? Okay, they're funky and different and some of them are pretty creative. But the real question is: culture or crap?
You decide.
I vote crap. Those 3 pictures of the fridges, are totally ugly. I can't believe the kind of stuff they come u with. At least if they are going to have art on fridges, they should make them something to look at. These are totally ugly. Anyway they could come up with something better!
I love the one on Michigan just south of Chicago (near Walgreens) that is covered with old shoes made into planters. Haven't seen many of the others.
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