My review in a word: dreadful.
Other words come to mind: waste of time, insufferable, piece of shit, stupid... Okay, I'm done. Suffice it to say Bill and I just simply hated it and thank god we agreed cuz it would have been excruciating for one of us to have to sit through it if the other liked it (impossible to imagine).
On the plus side the staging was minimal but clever. On the minus side...well, where do I begin?
It was patently unfunny (altho there was a woman behind us cackling like a maniac). The characters are silly, the voices and accents they use are even sillier, the story is absurd, it's slapstick beyond slapstick. I have to admit we only lasted 45 minutes so keep that in my when I say this was one of the worst things I've ever seen. But don't take my word for it, go see it for yourself, if you dare. And if you like it I just don't see how we can be friends any more.
(If you want to read a real review read Chris Jones' in the Chicago Tribune.)
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