July 12, 2023

I Have News

I have news. I’ve told a few people this news already but only a few - I’ve been revealing it kind of the way I venture into swimming; walking gingerly into the water, up to my knees maybe, standing there like an old lady for a bit then dipping my butt in, then screaming like a toddler and running out. Because it’s scary; the water’s cold, it’s a shock to my body, I might step in a hole or get stung by a jellyfish or run over by a boat or get my hair wet. 

Do you hate this metaphor?

Now though, with my news, I'm through wading, I'm plunging in. 

Here goes: A couple months ago I sent the manuscript of my new book, The Laundry Room, to my agent and I’m waiting for his response. 

Hmmm…I thought that would generate more angst than it does.

You know this writing business: it’s full of rejection. What if no one likes it? What if they hate the characters? What if they think my writing is pedestrian? What if they think no publisher will want it?

The few people who already know this news have occasionally asked me what’s happening and I’m happy that so far I can report that my agent hasn’t had time to read it yet. So far, then, I haven’t had to admit failure. 

Oh, let's not use that f-word. Let's call it un-success.

But now I’m telling the social media universe because I feel like I’ve lived too long to be ashamed of rejection, if that’s what happens. And maybe it won't. Or maybe it will for a while and then it won't.

Overall, I’m pleased that I finally finished the damn thing; I think it’s well-written and it’s a good story with tension and authentic, relatable characters who grow and change. 

Of course I think that, I wrote it.

Now the manuscript is out there in the world for others to judge. 

I can take it…I’m a big girl now. 

Read the first chapter of The Laundry Room here

Comments welcome.

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