February 23, 2010

Book Review - Noah's Compass (5 of 5 stars)

I loved Anne Tyler's new book Noah's Compass.

to read my review on Amazon.com.

February 13, 2010

August: Osage County ****

If you think your family is dysfunctional go see this play - your family will look like the Waltons.
August: Osage County  is a complex story about complicated people. The writing is magnificent although Bill and I agreed it could have been cut by at least half an hour. It's nearly three hours with two intermissions. But still, it's wonderful. There are some great, memorable lines, "You never know when you might need a kidney," being one of them, but you'll have to see the play to understand that.
The performances are admirable, especially Shannon Cochran who plays the daughter Barbara. Estelle Parsons plays the matriarch, tho, and I have to say I didn't like her performance very much. I think she overdoes the part. But then I never did like her.
This show is part of the Broadway in Chicago series this year, playing for only two weeks at the Cadillac Palace Theatre. It's worth a look if you can manage it and, surprisingly, there were many empty seats at Friday night's performance. It originally played at Setppenwolf in 2007, then went on to Broadway and won a Pulitzer for Drama in 2008. A great piece of Chicago theatre.
I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

February 11, 2010

When Did That Happen?

When did 'AH midge' (homage) become 'oh MAHJ'?
When did 'JAG waar' (Jaguar) become 'JAG u waar'?
When did 'nitch' (niche) become 'neesh'?
When did 'dope' become an adjective? i.e. "That's dope," meaning cool.
(Am I just acting like a cranky old lady?)